Thursday, September 27, 2012

Missed Opportunity

That's all you can say about this. A missed opportunity. I mean he was RIGHT THERE, ripe for the taking, and the tracks became uneven or they added a speed bump or there was an earthquake only on our train I'm not really sure what happened, but I lined it up and there was a glitch in the Matrix or something. Once I got my shit together and looked back up for the retake, guy was up and moving around. Shit. I felt like I missed a real great one there, but sometimes it's just not in the plans.. Hey guy, those sunglasses ain't foolin' nobody - maybe try and sleep with your mouth closed and no one will know if you're really ASLEEP ON THE TRAINNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012


I try to imagine what it'd look like if when you got people together for a picture instead of telling them to smile you said "okay everyone now open your mouth like you're half retarted and close your eyes" then I saw this guy and BOOM I can now imagine exactly what that would look like. Perfect form! Well done you half retarted faced goon!


All jokes aside, this guy flat out looks dead. He's had to have been rotting there for a couple days now... He kind of looks like he's trying to smell something and either he's not getting it or he doesn't like what he's smelling.

NO WAY!!!! HE'S BACK!!!!

I SWEAR TO GOD THIS IS NOT A REPLAY!!!! This guy has been spotted AGAIN! The guy that litterally inspired this entire idea is BACK! Talk about a lock for the Hall of Fame, this guy is the definition of consistency!

He looks like he's fixed his posture issues and is now sitting more straight, and the mouth seems more symetrical which probably leads to better breathing and more of a deep open mouth sleep for him. Just a veteran perfecting his craft, never satisfied with just good enough!

Should I? Of Course

Not at all my best work here, but this just goes to show the degree of difficulty in taking subtle shots of mouth breathers with the train rocking back and forth! I walked by this guy on my way to the next car, had to stop and think if I really wanted to go into my bag to get my phone, turned once to walk away then said FUCK IT it needs to get done! SAY CHEESE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!


IMPRESSED! Seeing a standing sleeper is like spotting a black squirrel or a shooting star or an albino kid, just one of those rare sights that you gotta love getting a shot of. Good for this guy.

Dead Out

Little bit of a broken neck theme we got going here. This guy had to have missed his stop..